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Economic Espionage & Criminal Theft of Trade Secrets

Since 1996, it has been a federal crime to misappropriate a company's trade secrets with the knowledge or intent that the theft will benefit a foreign power.

Employment Discrimination

No matter the industry in which you work, federal and all states' laws provide extensive protections against discrimination and retaliation for reporting discrimination.

Business Litigation

Business disputes are not only expensive, but they can take a life of their own, draining the energy of executives and entrepreneurs alike.

Crime Victims: Civil Action for Damages for Criminal Acts Under Ohio Revised Code § 2307.60

If you are a crime victim, there’s an Ohio law that may help you seek justice. Ohio Revised Code Section 2307.60 authorizes crime victims to file civil lawsuits against the persons responsible for injuring them. The statute applies broadly.

Employment Retaliation

Federal and state law protects individuals willing to stand up for themselves and others when they reasonable believe unlawful discrimination or other illegal activity has taken or is taking place.

Pregnancy Discrimination

Most pregnant women continue to work through their pregnancies. Unfortunately, some employers are convinced that treating pregnant employees fairly and equally hurts the bottom line.

Constitutional Law

Freedom of speech, of the press, of religion, from excessive force, from unreasonable searches and seizure, from government discrimination. Due process of law.

Making the right choice in legal representation can make the difference in whether you achieve a result that protects your legal rights and best interests.

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